Curious Cockies is a farmer network of regional groups meeting four times annually to find out what is working for other farmers and to discover solutions to on-farm challenges. It's primarily an opportunity to get off-farm and check out what is happening locally. Small groups allow everybody to chat with relaxed hosts.
John King is an adult educator who combines observation and critical thinking to help farmers question assumptions and practices that seem to make their lives easier but actually work against their long term interests. He works primarily with groups to draw out combined wisdom and common sense. John's perspectives are associated with principles and teachings of Allan Savory's Holistic Management which he teaches in New Zealand, Australia and around the globe. His book Curiosity - Farmers Discovering What Works, narrates many issues farmers face learning what practices suit their land, livelihoods and lifestyles. He is based in Christchurch.
Farming and ranching success comes from the freedom to fail because there are no silver bullets. Curiosity - Farmers Discovering What Works tells journeys farmers make to find solutions that are kinder to the environment, easier on the pocket and bring purpose, pride and confidence to those in the most complex profession there is. Each story has nuggets of inspiration and insight to stimulate observation and logic in farming matters